OCD Treatment
The gold standard treatment for OCD is ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) and/or ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to treat OCD symptoms. Traditional therapeutic approaches that might focus on skills like relaxation or reframing in an effort to 'control' symptoms can actually make OCD worse.
Through research, ERP has been found to successfully manage distress and to stop compulsions. Although it may seem like a paradox, we have found that engaging in the compulsions themselves actually makes the anxiety and obsessions worse. ERP teaches the brain to tolerate the distress of the obsessions so much so that eventually the brain becomes desensitized (I know it might seem impossible - but one fundamental truth about human neurobiology is that the brain can eventually get 'bored' of almost anything if exposed to it enough!). The attempt to escape the distress of the obsessions through compulsions reinforces the intensity of OCD.
Please visit www.BrainBodyOCDCounseling.com to learn more about our OCD Specialty Clinic.
Here are treatment steps:
Step 1: Complete a 55-minute intake interview.
Step 2: Your therapist will work with you to learn about the biology and patterns associated with OCD, will discuss the rationale for treatment, and will help you understand the treatment structure.
Step 3: Your therapist will introduce self-monitoring and will create a hierarchy of exposures with you. You will also work on creating something called an acceptance script.
Step 4: You will work with your therapist through the hierarchy of exposures. Commitment to the therapy is essential - your therapist will work with you to identify possible secondary gains or other therapy interfering behaviors as necessary.
Step 5: You will work on self-exposure at home under the guidance of your therapist.
Step 6: Continue this process and address relapse prevention.
Click here to contact us to learn more.